Thursday, August 14, 2008

Colin Farrell is Gay Plain and Simple

It's been a long day, and I'd like to take this opportunity to rail on someone weaker than me. Sounds crazy but we could all learn a lot from definitely makes me feel better. I've got some serious beef with a lot of famous Hollywood actors and actresses, as I'm sure that many of you do too. After all they're always in the spotlight doing stupid shit, which makes them easy targets.

I'm going to get to the point. Colin Farrell is the dumbest, gayest, worst, most absolutichris, douche hole of an actor on the face of the planet...on the face of the galaxy even. I think that most of us knew it all along, but for those of you non-believers...Colin Farrell is gay and this proves it. This shit speaks for itself. Viewers looks like he actually enjoys this! Careful people…I mean it!

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Anonymous said...

Oh my god. I can't even watch that shit! Phonebooth anybody...the whole 'effin movie was actually in a phone booth. 'Nuff said...

Anonymous said...

Imagine the sound of their whiskers rubbing together while they pass hot man saliva back and forth

Anonymous said...

Looks like a deleted scene from Alexander.

Anonymous said...

yes colin is gay 100%
it shows he is enjoying it and he seems that turned on only when he is with guys actually...
its cool he is gay.

Anonymous said...

Colin Farrell is not gay. He has a gay older brother and he respects and supports gay rights, so he is more than happy to play parts with gay scenes. (A Home at the End of the World and Alexander) He also have two children. If you think he looks like he enjoys it, wouldn't that make him a really good believable actor?
Silly silly haters. Stop being so jealous and get a life you idiots.

Anonymous said...

Not gay.....its a movie, supposed to look believable do you also think hes a vampire?

Anonymous said...

People, he is just acting, don't get alarmed. Additionally, so what if he plays in more than one gay film, he's getting paid. I think he's a very good actor.

Anonymous said...

People, he is just acting, don't get alarmed. Additionally, so what if he plays in more than one gay film, he's getting paid. I think he's a very good actor.

Anonymous said...

He is not gay he is acting there are gay movies all the time! Like brokeback mountain, like jake gylenhall he is just acting he is super hot too I live him

Anonymous said...

I agree

Anonymous said...

Of course it looks like he's enjoying it, that's called acting.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You people are soooo stupid! I AM gay and I've kissed a woman for a fun video me and my friends made. I was not at all attracted and if I can do that for free I'm sure any star can do it for a gazillion dollars. If he were gay he doesn't need to make a movie as an excuse to kiss another guy. GOD you people are ignorant!!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

ColĂ­n is GAY a man dont kiss other men, and do the touching like he would do to a woman, without having an erection, he seems to enjoy doing a man, I don't care if is just acting, a real man would feel disgusted about kissing another man, Colin just don't want to get out of the closet, and the fact that he accepts this kind of rolls says a lot. He and Jared Leto are two actors that stayed in the closet, and unfortunately for them, nobody believe, they are straight, they are plain gay

Kevin Handy said...

Collin Farrell is not gay. Not in the least. He is actually a good actor. Great I'm not sure about. All the homophobes who posted here need to check their maturity levels. Alexander wasn't gay either - he was clearly bisexual. Collin played the role as it really was. In reality the term homosexual as a concept and as a term didn't really exist until the 1880's. In the 1830's or 1840's men pretty commonly kissed each other on the lips - it certainly was romantic kissing - but they were kisses. And it was out of love. No men didn't touch each other's private parts - except in gest - as so many men do - and if you doubt that watch a football game. There's some "gay shit" as people call it going on in every game. Back to Farrell. He said that kissing a man didn't bother him. But we found out that he does get into oral sex with women's vaginas. So that cleared up what some had wondered about. Hollywood has always had men that were considered too "gay". Valentino suffered for it and was hated. Sadly Valentino was not only straight - he was a bit of a whore. Now Valentino unlike Farrell probably wasn't really as talented as much as he was a sensation. But men used to corner him in the bathroom and beat the crap out of him because he would seduce women like most men change sox. And unfortunately he wasn't very selective. So men invented lies about him so they could feel superior. In reality he was the first male celebrity. He was in a shirt shop in Los Angeles once. And he could see the craze coming. Young women were absolutely mad for him. They found out he was there - and they tore every stitch they could off his body. His friend rushed him out, put him under a blanket and they drove away. He was scared to death. Thereafter he had bonded security guards - because these women were seriously ape for him. So telling lies about particularly gorgeous men is pretty standard. Farrell with the help of lots of make-up is good looking. Now take the make-up off and he's got skin problems like many actors. The actress Greta Garbo, who toured in her later years, was doing some cabaret here in Dallas where I live. And she snarled at a man who got too close, "daaaaahlling don't ruin the Illlluuuuuusion" she declared - as one man got a bit too close for her liking.

Anonymous said...

He is not gay he gets paid for it. The think I do not like is that he is dating like more than 20 women a year.

Rhea said...

He was involved with Jared Leto for awhile. He is bisexual.