Sorry people I have to squeeze in one more summer brew before we all get slammed with our Fall Seasonal Ales full of wheat and pumpkin spices. This wonderful beer we know as Oberon was released by Bell's Brewery, which is just east of Boulder, Colorado. Oberon is an American Wheat Ale full of citrus flavors and a spicy aftertaste. It pours a light, creamy orange and has a distinct balance of citrus, wheat and spicy hops. This one reminds me of a Blue Moon only I didn't have to take the time to slice the orange. It's light, crisp and
perfect for a summer or early fall barbeque. It's a solid 5.8% alc/vol and worth every mouthful. Two thumbs up and cheers to Bell's Brewery...

bells in brewed in kalamazoo, MI. not in Colorado
it started in Colorado...main location, so do your homework
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